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O Fullsight potencia a divulgação de informação, acelerando a distribuição de conteúdo e o envolvimento do público com eficiência.

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Funcionalidades de blog do Fullsight

Design e envio com as capacidades de newsletter do Fullsight

O Fullsight simplifica a criação e distribuição de newsletters, oferecendo ferramentas de design intuitivas e funcionalidades de envio perfeitas para envolver eficazmente o seu público.

  • Crie newsletters com as ferramentas intuitivas do Fullsight
  • Crie campanhas para enviá-las a diferentes públicos
  • Tenha um processo de entrega de email simplificado
O que é um Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?


O que é um Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

Na competitiva realidade do recrutamento moderno, os Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) emergiram como ferramentas indispensáveis para as empresas, especialmente nas empresas de consultoria. Mas afinal, o que é um ATS e como se compara à solução que o Fullsight oferece adaptada a empresas de consultoria? Vamos analisar em maior detalhe. O que é um Applicant Tracking System (ATS)? Um Applicant Tracking System, normalmente conhecido pela sigla ATS, é um software projetado para facilitar e automatizar os processos de recrutamento. Serve como uma plataforma centralizada para gerir vagas de emprego e respetivas publicações, receber e rastrear candidaturas, triagem, agendamento de entrevistas e, como última fase, contratação de novos funcionários. Um ATS é essencial para empresas lidarem eficientemente com grande volume de candidatos, garantindo um fluxo de trabalho de recrutamento estruturado e organizado. Fullsight: recrutamento redefinido para empresas de consultoria  O Fullsight vai além das funcionalidades tradicionais de um ATS, oferecendo uma solução especificamente criada para as necessidades das empresas de consultoria.  Vejamos como o Fullsight se compara a um ATS comum:  Gestão generalizada de candidatos: enquanto os sistemas ATS tradicionais se focam apenas no rastreamento de candidatos, o Fullsight oferece uma abordagem holística para a gestão de candidatos. Permite às empresas de consultoria não apenas gerir candidaturas, mas também manter perfis detalhados de candidatos, acompanhar seu progresso através da pipeline de recrutamento e vagas onde são alocados e avaliar se se adequam a diferentes funções ou projetos.Integração com processos de business: o Fullsight integra-se perfeitamente com processos de business das empresas de consultoria. Facilita a colaboração entre equipas de recrutamento e de business, garantindo o alinhamento dos esforços da equipa de aquisição de talento e os objetivos organizacionais. Com o Fullsight, o recrutamento torna-se parte integrante da estratégia geral de business, viabilizando crescimento e sucesso.Visibilidade e análise facilitadas: o Fullsight oferece capacidades avançadas de visibilidade e análise que vão além das simples funcionalidades de relatórios que os sistemas ATS tradicionais oferecem. As empresas de consultoria têm acesso a análises valiosas sobre o desempenho das equipas de recrutamento e de business, podem acompanhar progresso vs. KPIs e tomar decisões baseadas em dados importantes para otimizar os seus processos de contratação e melhorar a eficiência geral dos seus processos.Personalização e escalabilidade: ao contrário das soluções ATS existentes no mercado, o Fullsight oferece ferramentas de personalização para se adaptar aos requisitos específicos de cada empresa de consultoria. É escalável de maneira a acomodar as diversas necessidades das empresas à medida que crescem e evoluem, garantindo sustentabilidade e flexibilidade a longo prazo.  Conclusão: devo então escolher o ATS do Fullsight para a minha empresa de consultoria?  Enquanto os sistemas ATS tradicionais cumprem o seu propósito na gestão de tarefas de recrutamento, o Fullsight destaca-se como uma solução preparada para os grandes desafios enfrentados pelas empresas de consultoria. Ao combinar as capacidades avançadas de gestão de candidatos com a integração perfeita com outros processos organizacionais, e oferecer visibilidade facilitada e escalabilidade, o Fullsight capacita as empresas de consultoria para melhorarem os seus processos de recrutamento e prepararem-se para o sucesso. Em resumo, ao escolher um Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) para a sua empresa de consultoria, considere a abordagem holística e as funcionalidades oferecidas pelo Fullsight. Com o Fullsight, o recrutamento não é apenas um processo, mas um ativo estratégico para o crescimento e sucesso da sua empresa.

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Fullsight and modern consultancy


Fullsight and modern consultancy

Early morning, with nice black coffee in hand, that was when we had a chat with our CEO to understand the initial idea behind of, what we know today as, Fullsight. The idea seemed very clear, Fullsight was tailored for consultancy companies in the information technology space, to help them focus more on what they do best: operate and collaborate with customers. Miguel has built a consultancy company in 2017 and, at the time, the applications available for startups in this space where only a few. Some of them didn't even offer all the features needed to support his business. It was then that he decided to do it internally, trying out ways to improve the recruitment team response so the sales team could do business successfully. "As a small company, the available resources to manage all aspects of the business are never enough. For those that want close business fast and successfully... if they don't find the sweet spot between available people and efficiency they might be doomed to failure." And with this in mind, Fullsight was born and improved to a point that the all aspects of his consultancy business' operations can be managed within the same platform. Since the whole recruitment process, passing through the onboarding of a new employee, until his management and tracking in terms of payments, holidays, time spent, among others. Another important factor for Fullsight's growth was the lack of automated visibility offered in the market. Usually consultancy businesses struggle to know who did what or when something is happening.. In the tool, you're offered with a set of visibility components that makes you be more aware of everything's state. Fullsight is here to stay, the growth we're having with and in customers, features and visibility is helping us thrive near the businesses that are trusting us. Our focus is on our partners' growth, because everything that we can do to support them better and allow them to efficiently operate will be our main target for the platform's evolution.

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It makes the recruitment process easier


It makes the recruitment process easier

We went talking with the new HR team members at Visual Nuts, and learn their opinion on the experience they had with Fullsight so far. Sandra stated right away - "If anyone has doubts about start using Fullsight on his HR team or how it will be received by the the team, then I'll tell you that it will be one of the best choices you can make. The only problem you’ll have once you start using it is thinking about why you didn’t have it sooner!". She continued saying that, "as Recruiters, the first contact we had with Fullsight showed us right away that this tool would be very different from what we had worked before. It made the whole recruitment and selection process easier and allow us to keep data much simpler and more effective". Ana has different experiences in her curriculum and we learned that her previous company wasn't using Fullsight. We asked which was the main difference she felt when Fullsight came into play. She replied saying that "getting access to all candidates from Fullsight, their profile, the number and type of approaches that have been made over time allows us to streamline all the work and also to not make repeated contacts. It also helped us to reach out to candidates introducing new positions that fit better with their profile". To show that Fullsight also impacted other daily activities Ana added "during the interviews, it also has a very striking role. It allows us to save all kinds of information about the candidate. For exemple: professional experience, motivation, availability, wage expectation and also record personal data; as well as adding hard skills and describing some soft skills about each candidate’s profile. All of this in a super fast and very intuitive way!". In the end of our coffee break chat, they both agreed on the feeling when they started using Fullsight. "All work became much more organized and the whole workflow was clear".

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O Gonçalo utiliza o Fullsight com a equipa de business


O Gonçalo utiliza o Fullsight com a equipa de business

We met Gonçalo some time ago, when he started using Fullsight. Gonçalo runs the Sales Department in a consultancy customer and we understood right from the beginning that his approach using the platform would be a bit different than usual. We challenged him to tell us his experience using Fullsight and how he actually uses it. Here's what we got back: Our sales process was robust, but gradually failed to serve our need to manage a high volume of customers and prospects. We feel the need to take our business model to a new level. A new level that would cost to go through the deep digital transformation of the whole process. We recorded all the information on multiple spreadsheets, until we started to feel the need to cross information in an agile way, manage the sales process, measure performance, estimate results in advance and taking action on gaps and, no less important, to effectively catalog all records in our information base in order to establish priorities. Fullsight appeared in our operation at the right time, with the right features to scale the business to another level. When we identified all the potential that Fullsight was able to deliver to the process, we were able to perfectly visualize our entire sales funnel, automate it and have control over each step of the sales process.  The first great achievement was the ease with which we began to build our own work base. Every day, we spend several hours researching profiles on Linkedin to prepare our business approaches to both domestic and international customers. Today Fullsight allows us, with just one click, to bring all contact information into our database in a structured way. In addition, we were able to upload our entire external database into Fullsight and, from there, we started to tidy up all the information by "Step". Our sales funnel predicts that customers, once in our database, can, within the GDPR rules and policies, go through 7 Steps, from their identification to the moment we effectively do business, regardless of the time it takes. With Fullsight we stopped losing customers. They just change their status and are worked on in a future where the approach makes more sense. Now, we have complete control over our business value chain. We know that and how many customers are in each Step of trading. we have a very close estimate of what deals we can complete and when, in addition to knowing exactly what work we need to do upstream in the value chain for the results to happen. In short, Fullsight has brought us rigor, organization, managerial capacity and an unparalleled facility to develop our daily work. Measuring, predicting and quantifying commercial activity started to be done with just a few clicks!

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Escreva e publique histórias
com as ferramentas de blog do Fullsight

O Fullsight capacita a criar e partilhar histórias sem esforço, oferecendo ferramentas de blog aprimoradas que facilitam o processo de escrita, design e publicação.

  • Aproveite as ferramentas de blog do Fullsight para criar histórias
  • Publique histórias internas e externas com facilidade
  • Conecte o seu site corporativo com a API do Fullsight
Funcionalidades de newsletter do Fullsight

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Ícone do Slack
Ícone do Microsoft Teams
Ícone do Gmail
Ícone do Mailchimp
Ícone do Outlook

Empresas de consultoria
contam com o Fullsight

Comece grátis

até 3x

Processos de recrutamento mais rápidos

até 6x

Onboardings mais fáceis

até 4x

Mais visibilidade sobre as operações

"O Fullsight é um software essencial para empresas de consultoria, independentemente do tamanho. Quer seja pela melhoria nos processos de recrutamento ou pela melhoria na colaboração entre as equipas de recrutamento e business, o Fullsight simplifica as operações garantindo visibilidade para um sucesso maior."

Bernardo Resende

Operations Manager - BySix, Portugal

Saiba como o Fullsight está a surfar a onda

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O que é um Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?


O que é um Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

Na competitiva realidade do recrutamento moderno, os Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) emergiram como ferramentas indispensáveis para as empresas, especialmente nas empresas de consultoria. Mas afinal, o que é um ATS e como se compara à solução que o Fullsight oferece adaptada a empresas de consultoria? Vamos analisar em maior detalhe. O que é um Applicant Tracking System (ATS)? Um Applicant Tracking System, normalmente conhecido pela sigla ATS, é um software projetado para facilitar e automatizar os processos de recrutamento. Serve como uma plataforma centralizada para gerir vagas de emprego e respetivas publicações, receber e rastrear candidaturas, triagem, agendamento de entrevistas e, como última fase, contratação de novos funcionários. Um ATS é essencial para empresas lidarem eficientemente com grande volume de candidatos, garantindo um fluxo de trabalho de recrutamento estruturado e organizado. Fullsight: recrutamento redefinido para empresas de consultoria  O Fullsight vai além das funcionalidades tradicionais de um ATS, oferecendo uma solução especificamente criada para as necessidades das empresas de consultoria.  Vejamos como o Fullsight se compara a um ATS comum:  Gestão generalizada de candidatos: enquanto os sistemas ATS tradicionais se focam apenas no rastreamento de candidatos, o Fullsight oferece uma abordagem holística para a gestão de candidatos. Permite às empresas de consultoria não apenas gerir candidaturas, mas também manter perfis detalhados de candidatos, acompanhar seu progresso através da pipeline de recrutamento e vagas onde são alocados e avaliar se se adequam a diferentes funções ou projetos.Integração com processos de business: o Fullsight integra-se perfeitamente com processos de business das empresas de consultoria. Facilita a colaboração entre equipas de recrutamento e de business, garantindo o alinhamento dos esforços da equipa de aquisição de talento e os objetivos organizacionais. Com o Fullsight, o recrutamento torna-se parte integrante da estratégia geral de business, viabilizando crescimento e sucesso.Visibilidade e análise facilitadas: o Fullsight oferece capacidades avançadas de visibilidade e análise que vão além das simples funcionalidades de relatórios que os sistemas ATS tradicionais oferecem. As empresas de consultoria têm acesso a análises valiosas sobre o desempenho das equipas de recrutamento e de business, podem acompanhar progresso vs. KPIs e tomar decisões baseadas em dados importantes para otimizar os seus processos de contratação e melhorar a eficiência geral dos seus processos.Personalização e escalabilidade: ao contrário das soluções ATS existentes no mercado, o Fullsight oferece ferramentas de personalização para se adaptar aos requisitos específicos de cada empresa de consultoria. É escalável de maneira a acomodar as diversas necessidades das empresas à medida que crescem e evoluem, garantindo sustentabilidade e flexibilidade a longo prazo.  Conclusão: devo então escolher o ATS do Fullsight para a minha empresa de consultoria?  Enquanto os sistemas ATS tradicionais cumprem o seu propósito na gestão de tarefas de recrutamento, o Fullsight destaca-se como uma solução preparada para os grandes desafios enfrentados pelas empresas de consultoria. Ao combinar as capacidades avançadas de gestão de candidatos com a integração perfeita com outros processos organizacionais, e oferecer visibilidade facilitada e escalabilidade, o Fullsight capacita as empresas de consultoria para melhorarem os seus processos de recrutamento e prepararem-se para o sucesso. Em resumo, ao escolher um Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) para a sua empresa de consultoria, considere a abordagem holística e as funcionalidades oferecidas pelo Fullsight. Com o Fullsight, o recrutamento não é apenas um processo, mas um ativo estratégico para o crescimento e sucesso da sua empresa.

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Fullsight and modern consultancy


Fullsight and modern consultancy

Early morning, with nice black coffee in hand, that was when we had a chat with our CEO to understand the initial idea behind of, what we know today as, Fullsight. The idea seemed very clear, Fullsight was tailored for consultancy companies in the information technology space, to help them focus more on what they do best: operate and collaborate with customers. Miguel has built a consultancy company in 2017 and, at the time, the applications available for startups in this space where only a few. Some of them didn't even offer all the features needed to support his business. It was then that he decided to do it internally, trying out ways to improve the recruitment team response so the sales team could do business successfully. "As a small company, the available resources to manage all aspects of the business are never enough. For those that want close business fast and successfully... if they don't find the sweet spot between available people and efficiency they might be doomed to failure." And with this in mind, Fullsight was born and improved to a point that the all aspects of his consultancy business' operations can be managed within the same platform. Since the whole recruitment process, passing through the onboarding of a new employee, until his management and tracking in terms of payments, holidays, time spent, among others. Another important factor for Fullsight's growth was the lack of automated visibility offered in the market. Usually consultancy businesses struggle to know who did what or when something is happening.. In the tool, you're offered with a set of visibility components that makes you be more aware of everything's state. Fullsight is here to stay, the growth we're having with and in customers, features and visibility is helping us thrive near the businesses that are trusting us. Our focus is on our partners' growth, because everything that we can do to support them better and allow them to efficiently operate will be our main target for the platform's evolution.

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It makes the recruitment process easier


It makes the recruitment process easier

We went talking with the new HR team members at Visual Nuts, and learn their opinion on the experience they had with Fullsight so far. Sandra stated right away - "If anyone has doubts about start using Fullsight on his HR team or how it will be received by the the team, then I'll tell you that it will be one of the best choices you can make. The only problem you’ll have once you start using it is thinking about why you didn’t have it sooner!". She continued saying that, "as Recruiters, the first contact we had with Fullsight showed us right away that this tool would be very different from what we had worked before. It made the whole recruitment and selection process easier and allow us to keep data much simpler and more effective". Ana has different experiences in her curriculum and we learned that her previous company wasn't using Fullsight. We asked which was the main difference she felt when Fullsight came into play. She replied saying that "getting access to all candidates from Fullsight, their profile, the number and type of approaches that have been made over time allows us to streamline all the work and also to not make repeated contacts. It also helped us to reach out to candidates introducing new positions that fit better with their profile". To show that Fullsight also impacted other daily activities Ana added "during the interviews, it also has a very striking role. It allows us to save all kinds of information about the candidate. For exemple: professional experience, motivation, availability, wage expectation and also record personal data; as well as adding hard skills and describing some soft skills about each candidate’s profile. All of this in a super fast and very intuitive way!". In the end of our coffee break chat, they both agreed on the feeling when they started using Fullsight. "All work became much more organized and the whole workflow was clear".

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O Gonçalo utiliza o Fullsight com a equipa de business


O Gonçalo utiliza o Fullsight com a equipa de business

We met Gonçalo some time ago, when he started using Fullsight. Gonçalo runs the Sales Department in a consultancy customer and we understood right from the beginning that his approach using the platform would be a bit different than usual. We challenged him to tell us his experience using Fullsight and how he actually uses it. Here's what we got back: Our sales process was robust, but gradually failed to serve our need to manage a high volume of customers and prospects. We feel the need to take our business model to a new level. A new level that would cost to go through the deep digital transformation of the whole process. We recorded all the information on multiple spreadsheets, until we started to feel the need to cross information in an agile way, manage the sales process, measure performance, estimate results in advance and taking action on gaps and, no less important, to effectively catalog all records in our information base in order to establish priorities. Fullsight appeared in our operation at the right time, with the right features to scale the business to another level. When we identified all the potential that Fullsight was able to deliver to the process, we were able to perfectly visualize our entire sales funnel, automate it and have control over each step of the sales process.  The first great achievement was the ease with which we began to build our own work base. Every day, we spend several hours researching profiles on Linkedin to prepare our business approaches to both domestic and international customers. Today Fullsight allows us, with just one click, to bring all contact information into our database in a structured way. In addition, we were able to upload our entire external database into Fullsight and, from there, we started to tidy up all the information by "Step". Our sales funnel predicts that customers, once in our database, can, within the GDPR rules and policies, go through 7 Steps, from their identification to the moment we effectively do business, regardless of the time it takes. With Fullsight we stopped losing customers. They just change their status and are worked on in a future where the approach makes more sense. Now, we have complete control over our business value chain. We know that and how many customers are in each Step of trading. we have a very close estimate of what deals we can complete and when, in addition to knowing exactly what work we need to do upstream in the value chain for the results to happen. In short, Fullsight has brought us rigor, organization, managerial capacity and an unparalleled facility to develop our daily work. Measuring, predicting and quantifying commercial activity started to be done with just a few clicks!

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